What Training Level is Right for Me?

Our trainings are described here. The level of training you select might depend on several factors.

  1. Are you familiar with CBT? If not, we suggest attending a workshop first. The workshop provides helpful information about CBT as well as the UP specifically.

  2. Have you heard of the UP? If not, a workshop might be helpful to learn about the history of the treatment and the basics of delivering it.

    If you have previous training in CBT and are at least a little familiar with the UP, you might want to start with Level II training. Delivering the UP while supervised by an expert trainer can deepen your understanding of the treatment and its flexibility for a range of patients.

  3. Do you want to train others? If yes, consider Level III training. Providers who succesfully complete Level III training are qualified to train others within their institution.

Have additional questions about what training is right for you? We are happy to discuss your specific circumstances and training needs! Contact us at hello@unifiedprotocol.com